I Am David

What are five quotes from the book?

5 quotes any chapter

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"David had known him all his life, but he never spoke to him more than was barely necessary to answer his questions; and though he had known his name for as long as he could remember, he never said anything but 'the man' ... giving him a name would be like admitting that he knew him; it would place him on an equal footing with the others." Chapter One

"It was the second time he had found himself close to a town, and for the second time the compass was directing him to cross a main road. He dared not disobey it; it was almost as if some part of the man himself were traveling with him." Chapter One

"David was familiar only with various tones of grey and brown, and of course the blue of the sky. Well, yes, he had once seen a little red flower that had strayed inside the camp wall. Apart from that, color was something he had only heard of: he had seen only a pale and muddied reflection of it - in the ugliness of the camp and the equally ugly quarters of the guards." Chapter One

"He was David. Everything else was washed away, the camp, its smell, its touch - and now he was David, his own master, free - free as long as he could remain so." Chapter 2

"Ever since the night he had found the bundle lying under the tree ... his feet had carried him along, deciding the way for him. This time it was he who had made the decision ... from now on he would think for himself and make his own decisions, and his feet and hands and body would be his servants to do his bidding." Chapter Two


I Am David