
What action do the Achaeans commit immediately after the return of Chryseis to her father Chryses? What is its purpose? Why do you think such religious actions were popular with the ancient Greeks?

i am answering discussion questions in literature. What action do the Achaeans commit immediately after the return of Chryseis to her father Chryses? What is its purpose? Why do you think such religious actions were popular with the ancient Greeks?

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Last updated by judy t #197809
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Agamemnon takes Achilles' prize - Briseis - in place of Chryseis. Achilles gets angry and decides to withdraw from the war - literally take his "marbles and quit playing." In the meantime, Achilles asks his mother, the goddess Thetis to help the Trojans win the war. The Greeks used prayers to their gods as a way of trying to manage their lives. The gods and the many religiious rituals the Greeks used were a part of their daily life.