Indian Horse


Our people have rituals and ceremonies meant to bring us vision. I have never participated in any of them, but I have seen things. I have been lifted up and out of this physical world into a place where time and space have a different rhythm. I always remained within the borders of this world, yet I had the eyes of one born to a different plane. Our medicine people would call me a seer. But I was in the thrall of a power I never understood. It left me years ago, and the loss of that gift has been my greatest sorrow.( Chapter1)

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When we first meet Saul, he is depressed and struggling with his past. Though still a young man, his experiences have left him bitter, and he has turned to alcohol for release.... thus, he is now in rehab, where he begins to keep track of his thoughts in a journal.

Writing provides Saul with an outlet to remember his childhood.... the time he lived freely as a member of the Fish Clan community. As he states, when he was a child, he had the gift of vision, the ability to see the past and communicate with his ancestors. Over the years, however, Saul lost his gift..... something that wasn't merely magical, but rather, his connection with his roots and culture.... his family.


Indian Horse