Indian Horse


It was mostly Saul's grandmother Naomi that took good care of him. That spring we gathered mushrooms and greens and wild onions. A stream led from a bog lake to the main river, and my grandmother showed me how to lay out a burlap bag and haul in the suckers that ran up the creek to spawn. I learned to clean them with swift swipes of a knife and use the guts for bait on night lines I set out to drift in the current of the big river. We smoked those fish. Sometimes we’d slap thick coats of clay around them and bake them in the fire. My grandmother used the ribs of them for needles to sew buttons on my battered shirts. Ch 4

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This excerpt is explaining how great an influence Naomi, grandmother, was on Saul's life. Naomi grounded Saul both in childhood and identity. She passed on crucial knowledge and skills to Saul that gave him meaning and purpose.