Indian Horse

Indian Horse

In Chapter 45, Saul meets Erv Sift, whom he describes as his angel. Despite having Erv in his life, Saul still struggles: “There was a part of me that desperately wanted to close the gap I felt between myself and people. But there was a bigger part that I could not understand. It was the part of me that sought separation. It was the part of me that simmered quietly with rage I hadn’t ever lost, and a part of me that knew if the top ever came off of that, then I would truly be alone” (107). Explain this quote. What does Saul mean? What do you think is the source of his conflict?

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Erv is an angel... he provides Saul with work and a place to live. One person, however, cannot right the wrongs or change the hurt. Even though he has Saul, he continues to feel isolated in general, Erv's kindness and compassion are no longer enough, and he becomes restless. In the above quote, Saul is talking about the anger that persists within him, the rage he is afraid he cannot control, which is why, in this section, he begins to drink excessively.


Indian Horse