Indian Horse

What do Naomi and Mary argue about in Chapter 8? Analyze the culture clash between the generations: the traditional and those influenced by the Zhaunagush.


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Naomi and Mary argue over Ben's burial. Saul’s grandmother prepares Ben’s body for burial while the rest of the family mourns. She plans a traditional burial, where the body will be laid on the earth in a high place. His mother objects furiously, calling Naomi a heathen, and insists that Ben receive a Christian burial instead. Naomi tries to change her mind, and her husband’s, but they decide to take the body and leave to find a priest. Everyone accompanies them but Saul and Naomi, who stay together and watch the canoe leave with Ben’s body.

In context, the argument presents the difference between tradition, and the Christian traitions that Naomi was exposed to growing up.


Indian Horse