Inherit the Wind

"Inherit the Wind" meaning


What do you think the phrase means?

It is a quote from Proverbes 11:29

"He who troubles his own house will inherit wind, And the foolish will be servant to the wisehearted."

But still can grasp it's meaning...

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Last updated by Glenn E #1016750
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If you cause troubles in your own house, or family, then you will inherit the "wind," meaning you will inherit nothing. The second part goes along, emphasizing the fact that troubling your own family is not the way to go about things. If you do this, you are a foolish person, who will then, deservedly, be a servant the wise and compassionate.

explain how the title is important to the play?

I used to think it meant one would inherit nothing, but that is a very 21st century way of looking at things. For us living in strong houses working in non-agrarian jobs the wind is a non-factor usually more pleasant than a force of destruction. Those living in the first temple period viewed the wind much differently. The Greeks had several different words for wind, from pleasant breeze to destructive torrent. I think this verse reflects the latter, a force that leads to unstoppable destruction. Therefore, the reading is more like "One that abuses his own family will ultimately sow the seeds of destruction for himself and his house"