Into the Wild
in 3 sentences describe bullhead city , arizona
three sentences
three sentences
Bullhead City is small and made up of radomly placed subdivisions along the Colorado River. It boasts a number of strip malls and stretches out along the river for about eight miles. Across the river, there are a number of casinos and hotels.
Bullhead City is a community in the oxymoronic, late-twentieth-century idiom. Lacking a discernible center, the town exists as a haphazard sprawl of subdivisions and strip malls stretching for eight or nine miles along the banks of the Colorado, directly across the river from the high-rise hotels and casinos of Laughlin, Nevada. Bullheads distinguishing civic feature is the Mohave Valley Highway, four lanes of asphalt lined with gas stations and fast-food franchises, chiropractors and video shops, auto-parts outlets and tourist traps.
Into the Wild