Into the Wild

"McCandless was a reckless idiot"

Going back through the text, note at least two passages that support of refute this claim made in the Author's Note with explanation:

"McCandless was a reckless idiot"



Support of Refute with explanation:

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When the boy headed off into the Alaska bush, he entertained no illusions that he was trekking into a land of milk and honey; peril, adversity, and Tolstoyan renunciation were precisely what he was seeking. And that is what he found, in abundance.

Indeed, were it not for one or two seem- ingly insignificant blunders, he would have walked out of the woods in August 1992 as anonymously as he had walked into them in April.

pg. 4 (etext)

The last part of your question calls for "your" opinion.


Into the Wild