Julius Caesar

How do Marullus and Flavius feel about Pompey in act 1 scene 1 and what do they do about it at the end of the scene?

Act 1 scene 1-Julius Caesar

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Flavius and Murellus are loyal to Pompey and are furious that people are celebrating his (Caesar's) victory.

At the end of the scene, Flavius and Murellus prepare to remove the imperial crowns placed on all the statues of Caesar and next decide to drive the commoners back into their houses in an effort to prevent Rome from celebrating Caesar's victory.



Flavius and Murellus are loyal to Pompey and are furious that people are celebrating his (Caesar's) victory.

At the end of the scene, Flavius and Murellus prepare to remove the imperial crowns placed on all the statues of Caesar and next decide to drive the commoners back into their houses in an effort to prevent Rome from celebrating Caesar's victory.