July's People

My topic power, and I need 3 major points.

im in need of help and i need 3 major points for my topic

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The nature of power is explored in the novel most strikingly through the intimate dynamic between July and the Smales family—particularly Maureen. For the fifteen years that he worked for the family, they had the power over him that any boss has over their employee. While they felt themselves to be liberal and progressive, entirely trusting and forgiving of him, they nonetheless always maintained the power to give him orders or take his job away. His livelihood depended on them. As the roles are reversed and they come to depend on him, even more thoroughly than he ever depended on them, the nature of power is illuminated.

Power is not in itself a negative or positive force; it depends on how it’s wielded. July turns out to be as benevolent with them as they were with him, but this does not make them equal. Maureen and July become aware of this connection between their dependency and his power and this awareness forms a rift between them, making it impossible for either to trust the other as a simple friend.


July's People, GradeSaver