Kate Chopin's Short Stories

In Kate Chopin's "Short Stories", in Story of an Hour, who has heart trouble and why?


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Louise Mallard has heart trouble.It's difficult to know why she has heart trouble but it is understated that it may be because she has had to be in a relationship that she didn't want.

Louis Mallard has heart trouble. She's in a relationship where, according to the story, her husband has died, (at least that's what she THOUGHT) had happened, and was thinking that she had more freedom than she expected because her husband came home... safe... and unhurt. Louis Mallard dies right there, she died of a heart attack. She was happy to see her husband again...


Kate Chopin's Short Stories

That's why this story is called 'Story of An Hour', or simply, 'The Joy That Kills'.


Kate Chopin's Short Stories

According to the story, Louis Mallard thought her husband died but then he came home and then she died, because she was happy to see her husband again.