Kate Chopin's Short Stories

Richards rushes to tell Mrs.Mallard the news because he wants to_____.

Richards rushes to tell Mrs.Mallard the news because he wants to_____.

You can tell that society believed that women were fragile when josephine______.

After she cries Mrs.mallard____.

How does Mrs.Mallard feel right after she accepts to be free?

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1. Check that he has the facts absolutely correct before he tells her.

2. Is only able to allude to the death rather than tell her clearly and directly, as Mrs Mallard has 'a heart condition'.

3. Realises that she has her whole independent life ahead of her.

She feels a 'monstrous joy' - this oxymoron revealing the deep pleasure she feels at being free of tehbonds of marriage, but the shocking revelation that this pleasure comes with the death of her husband.


'The Story of an Hour' - Kate Chopin

1. Check that he has the facts absolutely correct before he tells her.

2. Is only able to allude to the death rather than tell her clearly and directly, as Mrs Mallard has 'a heart condition'.

3. Realises that she has her whole independent life ahead of her.

She feels a 'monstrous joy' - this oxymoron revealing the deep pleasure she feels at being free of tehbonds of marriage, but the shocking revelation that this pleasure comes with the death of her husband.


'The Story of an Hour' - Kate Chopin