King Lear

give the moral of the story

i think it is cordlia

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Themes are usually more useful than morals but one could say, don't believe all the promises or words of others simply at face value. Look beyond the superficial to see the real person beneath the words. So, Lear preferred to hear the empty compliments of Goneril and Regan rather than see the true love of his daughter Cordelia.

If you're looking for the moral hero, yes, Cordelia takes the honor. She sacrifices everything and transcends the typical female role, exhibiting honor, loyalty, love, and truth.

Her decision not to participate in the schemes and the manipulation of her father by her sisters speaks volumes about who she is as a person. Unfortunately, her father considers it a test and she fails....... and yet, she is the daughter who gave up her life to save him.


King Lear

In Simple words, the moral of this story is just that 'actions speak louder than words'


King Lear

agreed samony