Life of Pi
What was Pi asked to do in chapter 23
in chapter 23 what was pi asked to do and was it fair explain?
in chapter 23 what was pi asked to do and was it fair explain?
Pi was asked to choose a religion. For him, this didn't seem fair, and he quoted Ghandi's declaration that all religions are true. In the end.... he never chose.
Life of Pi
This section deals primarily with one of Pi’s central characteristics—his piousness. Pi here tells the story of how he became Hindu, Christian, and Muslim, and it becomes clear to the reader that God is central to Pi, and was even in his early years. That this kind of piousness is unique becomes equally evident when we see the three holy men in Pi’s life fight with each other over whose religion is best. Even the men who have helped Pi to find God in so many different ways become divisive over details.