Little Brother

Little Brother

Marcus spends two pages explaining the “paradox of the false positive.” Describe it in simple terms and decide if you think it’s acceptable or not that “To catch ten bad guys, you have to haul in and investigate two hundred thousand innocent people.”

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In Chapter Seven, Marcus challenges a new technique being used by the police and DHS to locate criminals. He is extremely angry about the way the attack affects his privacy, and he actively works against it by scrambling the information on people's identification cards. In doing this, he makes it seem as if everyone in the city has abnormal behavior. Do I think it's acceptable that his tampering with other people's cards wreaks havoc on the city? This calls for your opinion. In my opinion, he is utilizing the only method he has to induce change and stand up for his beliefs. Civil rights and privacy are a very important part of the American identity. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to be the person who is hauled in for questioning.


Little Brother