Little Brother

Little brother chapter 5

Marcus demonstrates his deep understanding of how media works and how it only chooses to publish some information about the attack on SF. Look specifically at his thoughts on p. 27 about why the BART blowout isn’t on the front page of the Chronicle – what is wrong with this kind of media control of the message?

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When Marcus arrives home, both of his parents are waiting for him. He tells them that he and some friends had been working on a project in Oakland and were all quarantined there. He learns from his parents that the terrorists had also blown up the BART. Thousands of people were dead. In his room that night, Marcus discovers a bug has been planted in his homemade laptop. Information is power and today's media caters whatever political interests the owners of the media has. If a particular media wants to downplay an event like BART, they will bury it in pages that most people will not read.