
What images do Duncan’s words in Act I, Scene 4 conjure up?

I cant figure it out

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This really depends on what he is saying. Certainly he expresses the puzzlement of the human psyche upon the execution of Cawdor,

There’s no art

To find the mind’s construction in the face.

He was a gentleman on whom I built

An absolute trust.

The image of a face hiding the true intentions of the heart is important here.

There is the whole metaphor of planting and raising his own men which reflects the very agricultural existence of the people,

Welcome hither.

I have begun to plant thee, and will labor

To make thee full of growing. (to BANQUO) Noble Banquo,

I don't understand the question at all and the play is in my class so the question is for the whole scene 4 and what Duncan says during the scene

So do I.