
what is the diffefrent between Banquo and macbeth?

how they respona to the witches prophecy?

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Macbeth is initially the Thane of Glamis. This isn't too bad a ranking in medieval Scotland; Macbeth would have been nobility of some sort. I don't think that Banquo is nobility. He is a good soldier, Macbeth's fighting "main man" and friend. When the witches first speak Macbeth’s little brain is running overtime. Although Macbeth attempts to joke about it, he likes what he hears. Banquo has always been weary of the witches. He tells Macbeth that "the instruments of darkness tell us truths....only to betray us in the end". When Macbeth gets the title of thane of Cawdor Banquo thinks, "Can the devil speak true?" Macbeth starts thinking about killing old King Duncan. So, where Banquo is a pretty decent grounded guy, Macbeth is willing to believe the witches and become the psychopathic murderer that we know and love.

Banquo has a stronger moral sense and conscience ,he has a firmer grip on reality as he has not achieve as much as the over ambitious macbeth who is getting power hingry and cannot decide whether togive in to his deepest desires on hold on to his morals.


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