6. Vladek refers to Haskel as a “kombinator.” What is a “kombinator”? Why does Vladek call Haskel a “kombinator”? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?


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A kombinator is a person of questionable ethics. Yes, Haskel is a kombinator..... he does whatever it takes.






I have a answer that would be worth your while.

Here it is:

6. Vladek refers to Haskel as a “kombinator.” What is a “kombinator”? Why does Vladek call Haskel a “kombinator”? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

A Kombinator is kind of like a crook and will cheat you out of what you deserve. Its just like me saying that I will give you a hundred dollars for a computer, but when I get the computer, I only pay you half of what you deserve.

Vladek calls him a kombinator because he cheated him out of getting his in-laws out of the so called "prison" that they were put in by the nazis.

I would agree with him that Haskel is a kombinator and I think that he should tell him what he thinks (reffering to Vladek telling Haskel).


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