Merchant of Venice

How did Antonio feel to be the cause of Bassanio's unhappiness? what were his assurances to Portia?


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Antonio sends Bassanio a letter, telling him that he has lost all his money and must forfeit a pound of flesh to Shylock. Bassanio turns pale at the news that Antonio has lost his fortune and his ships, and he asks Salerio if it is true that all of Antonio's ventures have failed. Salerio tells him it is true, and that Shylock is so excited about getting his pound of flesh that even if Antonio could repay him he would likely refuse it.

Portia asks what amount of money Antonio owes to Shylock, and then orders Bassanio to return to Venice and offer Shylock six thousand ducats to destroy the contract. She informs Bassanio and Graziano that she and Nerissa will live like widows in their absence. They all agree to get married first and then go straight to Venice to rescue Antonio.

In the same act, I do not really see assurances..... but Bassanio does restate that he'd never misled Portia as to his circumstances.

When I did first impart my love to you, I freely told you, all the wealth I had Ran in my veins. I was a gentleman, And then I told you true. And yet, dear lady, Rating myself at nothing, you shall see How much I was a braggart. When I told you My state was nothing, I should then have told you That I was worse than nothing, for indeed I have engaged myself to a dear friend, Engaged my friend to his mere enemy To feed my means.
Source(s), Merchant of Venice