Mississippi Trial, 1955

What are different reasons why Hiram is starting to agree with his dad's thoughts?

page 76

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Hiram could never understand why his father was so against him spending time in Mississippi, or his father's reasons for wanting to leave his home. Over time, Hiram's exposure to Southern prejudices and racism change his mind. He comes to understand why his father was so desperate to leave, and why he wanted to protect Hiram.

In 1955, Hiram is allowed to return to his grandfather's after Grampa has a stroke. Upon his return, he sees many changes.... prejudice and cruelty in his childhood friends, the community's fight against desegregation, and finally.... Emmett's murder. All of these things serve to expose Hiram to the things that his father despises.... and in the end, his experiences bring them together.


Mississippi Trial, 1955