My Antonia

What “remembered reproach” do you think Lena is thinking about in the following passage?

“....Lena wound Chris’s comforter about his neck…and we watched him climb into the wagon and start on his long, cold drive. As we walked together up the windy street, Lena wiped her eyes with the back of her woolen glove. ‘I get awful homesick for them, all the same,’ she murmured, as if she were answering some remembered reproach.” [Book II, Chapter 5]

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I believe Lena is remembering being accused of making eyes at the men, even when she wasn't... her happy days on the farm with her family and brother. Lena was reproached for being noticed by men because she was beautiful, and yet, she didn't even know it, and as a result, she went to work in Blackhawk to help the family.


My Antonia