My Children! My Africa!

The school bell can be seen as a symbol in the drama, discuss.

The school bell can be seen as a symbol in the drama, discuss.

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The school bell is a vital prop in My Children! My Africa! Mr. M uses the bell to summon students to class, and continues trying to do so in vain after the boycott has begun. At that point, the bell is seen as a representation of the traditional education system, so his ringing it angers the Comrades and contributes to his death when they burn down the school. The school bell is also of particular significance to Thami, who recalls his childhood when he loved school and the associated sound of the school bell. He says in a monologue, "I remember my school bells like beautiful voices calling to me all through my childhood" (p.52) and sings a song in Bantu and English about the school bell ringing, including lyrics mimicking its sound.

