
What type of character is Elie Wiesel?

What type of character is Elie Wiesel based on information from chapter one to chapter five. I need to have a topic and claim, two examples of evidence (written in MLA citation), an explanation, and a conclusion. As you can see, this would be such a great help for me to be able to do all of these.

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Sorry we can't write your essay for you. As a young boy in Sighet, Transylvania, he is very devout and interested in Jewish mysticism, and his religious faith evolves (but is never extinguished) during his time in concentration camps. Though he is separated from his mother and sister upon first arriving at Birkenau, Eliezer manages to remain close to his father during almost the entirety of his stay in concentration camps. He is very devoted to his father, and the two share rations and look out for each other. However, the harshness of camp life weakens Eliezer's filial devotion, which causes him much shame and guilt.