Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King

how does Oedipus' conversation with Tiresias prove that he is figuratively blind?

how does Oedipus' conversation with Tiresias prove that he is figuratively blind?

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Oedipus is enraged at the reluctance of Tiresias to assist in finding the murderer of Laius. Oedipus begins to taunt and mock Tiresias' blindness. Tiresias tells Oedipus, "You're blind to the corruption of your life."

Although Oedipus possesses physical sight, he is blind to the truth in his life. Oedipus is hence figuratively blind to the truth yet he mocks Tiresias' physical blindness.

oedipus is so angry with tiresias for what he sees as his reluctance to aid in the discovery of lauis murderer that he actually is making fun of tiresias' blindness. however, tiresias poits to oedipus as the one who is truly blind for avoiding the truths in his own life.


oedipus the king play text