Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King

There are several references to sight and blindness in the play.

There are several references to sight and blindness in the play. when and why are these references used?

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Teiresias holds the key to the link between sight and blindness - for even though he is blind, he can still see and predict the future (if not the present). Oedipus can visually see but fails to actually see his destiny unfolding. At the end of the play, moreover, Oedipus blinds himself, because what he has metaphorically seen (i.e. realized) leaves him unable to face his family or his parents in the afterlife). As with the previous theme, sight/blindness operate both literally and metaphorically within the play. Indeed, literal sight is juxtaposed with 'insight' or 'foresight'.

