Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King

Which of the following inferences is best supported by Oedipus when he introduces Teiresias?

A. Oedipus highly respects Teiresias. B. Teiresias is responsible for saving the city of Thebes. C. Oedipus has informed

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I don't see one of your choices that is a match. Oedipus is pretty angry with Teiresias.

When Teiresias arrives, he seems reluctant to answer Oedipus's questions, warning him that he does not want to know the answers. Oedipus threatens him with death, and finally Teiresias tells him that Oedipus himself is the killer, and that his marriage is a sinful union. Oedipus takes this as an insult and jumps to the conclusion that Creon paid Teiresias to say these things. Furious, Oedipus dismisses him, and Teiresias goes, repeating as he does, that Laius's killer is right here before him - ­ a man who is his father's killer and his mother's husband, a man who came seeing but will leave in blindness.