Of Mice and Men

What things does Steinbeck say, and imply, about loneliness here? What instances of racism did you find here?

Chapter 4 

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Steinbeck has already implicitly contrasted the lonesome, individualistic existence of most of the farmhands with the more collective, communal attitude of George, Lennie and Candy. In Chapter Four, this contrast becomes still more marked. Indeed, as Crooks, Candy and Lennie - the three mentally or physically impaired "outcasts" of the farm - discuss their dream of living "of the fat of the land" one can sense a strong whiff of socialism. For a moment, they imagine a life of freedom from prejudice and racism, in which each man works for "just his keep" regardless of color or disability (84). Racism is apparent in Crook's bunkroom, and his inability to socialize with the others on the ranch. It is also visible in his own treatment of the men who try to befriennd him.

