
Act 3, Scene 3

11. What is the importance of Othello’s demand for “ocular proof” (3.3.357)?

How does Iago further establish his control of Othello after this?

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Desdemona drops the handkerchief that Othello gave her on their honeymoon; Emilia takes it and gives it to Iago, who decides to use the handkerchief as the key prop in his bitter play. Othello re-enters, and tells Iago that he now doubts his wife; Othello demands "ocular proof" of Desdemona's dishonesty, so Iago makes up stories about Cassio talking in his sleep, and says that Cassio has the handkerchief that Othello gave to Desdemona. Iago knows how important this handkerchief is to Othello; it was his first gift to Desdemona, and was given to him by his mother. Othello is incensed to hear that Desdemona would give away something so valuable, and is persuaded by Iago's insinuations and claims to believe that Desdemona is guilty. Othello then swears to have Cassio dead, and to be revenged upon Desdemona for the non-existent affair.

