
Everyone says Othello is lucky to wed the daughter of the rich Barbantio, except Othello. Why is he not impressed?

ACT 1 , SCENE 2.

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Othello is exceptionally proud of his achievements and his public stature, and pride is an overarching theme of Othello's story. He is also proud of Desdemona's affection for him, which leads him to overstate their bond; he would not give her up "for the seas' worth," (l.ii.28). Othello is very confident in his position, and in the respect he commands; if the leaders of the city decide to deny a worthy man like him his marriage to Desdemona, then he believes "bondslaves and pagans shall our statesmen be" (I.ii.99). This statement illustrates Othello's faith in the state and in the Duke's regard for him. Othello doesn't think himself lucky, as he sees himself as worthy. 

