

Does this describe Othello?

The commendable actions and virtues of the Africans The Arabians which inhabit in Barbary or upon the coast of the Mediterranean Sea are greatly addicted unto the study of good arts and sciences, and those things which concern their law and religion are esteemed by them in the first place...Moreover those which inhabit Barbary are of great cunning & dexterity for building & for mathematical inventions, which a man may easily conjure by their artificial works...Likewise they are most strong and valiant people, especially those which dwell upon the mountains. They keep their covenant most faithfully; insomuch that they had rather die than break a promise. No nation in the world is so subject unto jealousy; for they will rather lose their lives than put up any disgrace in behalf of their women...They have always been much delighted with all kinds of civility and modest behavior... They be most faithful observers of their word and promise...

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This description might be used to describe Othello.