Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

The New York Times called Persepolis "the latest and one of the most delectable examples of a booming postmodern genre: an autobiography by comic book." Why do you think this genre is so popular? Why did Satrapi choose this format in which to tell her sto

The New York Times called Persepolis "the latest and one of the most delectable examples of a booming postmodern genre: an autobiography by comic book." Why do you think this genre is so popular? Why did Satrapi choose this format in which to tell her story? What does the visual aspect add that a conventional memoir lacks?

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In my opinion, graphic novels are often becoming the genre of choice because they are visual, and society has become increasingly visual over time. Video games, the internet, and social media have created a sense of urgency and desire for instant gratification that graphic novels provide.

According to the author, "Images are a way of writing. When you have the talent to be able to write and to draw, it seems a shame to choose only one. I think it better to do both."

The visual aspect allows the reader to see the action in the way the author intends us to see it, rather than to only see the things we can imagine.


Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood