Pride and Prejudice

Bennet Family

The original title of this novel was First Impressions. What are your first impressions of the Bennet family?

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My first impressions of the Bennet family have to do with money and the preoccupation with social status. This, however, is understandable given the context of the time. The Victorian era was all about money and social status. Girls were economic liabilities if they did not marry well. Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet had many daughters which put them at an economic disadvantage. Not having much money to begin with made them both desperate to have their daughters married into wealth.

Just wanted to say pride and Prejudice was set in the Regency period, and although your point is somewhat valid and that still applies in the Regency period i would strongly reckomend thouroughly reading the book so you can fully understand the context and give more accurate answers.