Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Why doesn’t Stacey lash out at T.J. for bragging about his coat? Use evidence from the novel to support your answer.

This is a question from my novel study but i'm behind a chapter and they are due tmrw!!! Make sure to use EVIDENCE from the novel!! Thx

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Stacey doesn't say a word because he is aware of his own mistake. He allowed T.J. to manipulate him, and in turn, T.J. got what he wanted and Stacey was made to look like a fool. He wasn't about to draw attention to himself.

Stacey was restrained from plugging T.J.’s mouth by Uncle Hammer’s principle that a man did not blame others for his own stupidity; he learned from his mistake and became stronger for it.


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry