Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Why is the revival so important? How does Stacey grow up after the wagon accident? Why does Papa think Stacey should go with him when he asks people about Vicksburg?

MOre questions:

Why does Papa defend Mr. Avery's and Mr. Lanier's decision to back out of the boycott?

What kinds of arguments do you think Mr. Morrison used to persuade Uncle Hammer not to visit the Simms?

Why doesn't Cassie understand Mr. Barnett's behavior?

Why does Big Ma take Cassie and Stacey to market?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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The revival is important because it gives everyone a chance to renew their faith, socialize, and spend some time together free of stress.

Please list your questions separately and add chapter numbers if possible.


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry