Romeo and Juliet

Act 2, Scene 2

During the Balcony Scene (Act 2, Scene 2) Romeo and Juliet do declare their love for one another, but how are those declarations similar? How are they different? If you had a friend who was discussing a plan similar to Romeo and Juliet's with you, what advice would you give him/her?

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Last updated by Phoebe B #1260832
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Juliet reveals her practical intelligence by understanding the need for a plan for them to meet and by insisting on marriage, which is a reversal of Elizabethan gender roles. Romeo, while less active than Juliet, also becomes more confident after their meeting, eschewing his juvenile melancholy for a more gregarious personality that impresses Mercutio. Still, Romeo is much less cautious than Juliet. His protestations of love have no practicality in them. Juliet forces Romeo to at least be a little clearer in his intentions and at least come up with a plan of action.



How does Juliet subvert the female stereotypes at that time