Roughing It

Why does Mark Twain lose his job at the grocery store, book store, and drugstore?

Why does mark twain lose his job at the grocery store book store and drugstore

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Grocery Store:

I had once been a grocery clerk, for one day, but had consumed so much sugar in that time that I was relieved from further duty by the proprietor; said he wanted me outside, so that he could have my custom.

Book Store:

I had been a bookseller’s clerk for awhile, but the customers bothered me so much I could not read with any comfort, and so the proprietor gave me a furlough and forgot to put a limit to it.

Drug Store:

I had clerked in a drug store part of a summer, but my prescriptions were unlucky, and we appeared to sell more stomach pumps than soda water. So I had to go.


Roughing It