Schindler's List

What can we learn about the extermination of the Jews by watching Schindler's list film?

What can we learn about the extermination of the Jews by watching Schindler's list film?
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The theme of dehumanization in the film is in regard to the Jewish people. The Nazis during World War II put forth an idea that Jewish people were vermin and sub-human. We see this belief reflected multiple times in the film. Goeth, in both his random shooting from his balcony and in his monologue to Helen in which he references the vermin stereotype, exhibits behavior that indicates his dehumanization of the Jews. Rudolph Hoss, the commander of Auschwitz, treats Jews as commodities by offering 300 different Jews to Schindler. Even the list itself is a symbol of dehumanization. The people on the list have been reduced to names on a sheet of paper, movable objects that can be bought and sold at will.

