She Stoops to Conquer

She stoops to conquer is a comedy of manners. Discuss

please tell me what exactly is the comedy of manners and how can i say about it that it is a comedy of manners

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Though it is only explicitly referred to in the prologue, an understanding of Goldsmith's play in context shows his desire to reintroduce his audience to the “laughing comedy” that derived from a long history of comedy that mocks human vice. This type of comedy stands in contrast to the then-popular “sentimental comedy” that praised virtues and reinforced bourgeois mentality. Understanding Goldsmith's love of the former helps to clarify several elements of the play: the low scene in the Three Pigeons; the mockery of baseness in even the most high-bred characters; and the celebration of absurdity as a fact of human life.


Thank you for answering me,, but can you just tell me what is the comedy of manners..?! and what is the sentimental comedy.. please?