Silence! The Court is in Session
Discuss the concept of self and other in the content of the play Silence ! The Court is in session.
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Al M #1298549
Last updated by
jill d #170087
To Benare, the mock trial is a personal attack against her morality and independence. To the others, it is merely a game. To Karnik, a minor character, the idea of the trial as a game simply means nothing more than a chance to perform; he has no real interest in attacking Benare for her behavior. For the prosecuting attorney Sukhatme, the insistence that the trial is not really an assault upon the woman, but rather upon the fictional crimes of the character she is playing, is much more complex. The entire conceit of the mock trial of a fictional defendant being a façade that obscures the truth parallels the aforementioned theme of "respect for motherhood" really being a façade for protecting male dominance.