Silver Sparrow

1. In what way does secrecy shape the conflict of the novel?

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A narrative revolving around cheating and two families is bound to have secrets being kept by key characters. James is hiding his secret family from the social circle of his public family hence goes to great lengths to maintain the sham. He pressures Gwendolyn to hide the real identity of their child’s father while he stays with his other family. In the story, Dana is the central character who has to keep secrets from the people she interacts with. Her father persuades her to keep his name a secret in school moreover she has to maintain the friendship with Chaurisse without revealing the truth. Most of the conflicts in the narrative arise from trying to maintain the secret and the fear of the truth coming out. The revelation of the truth is bound to destroy reputations, harmony, and trust which is tested when secrets are uncovered in the end.

