So Long a Letter
Which of Ramatoulaye's daughters is like her?
summarized in two pages
Asked by
Ben E #1112188
Last updated by
jill d #170087
summarized in two pages
I'm sorry, this is a short-answer forum designed for text specific questions. We are unavle to provide writing assignments for students. The answer to your question can be found on pg. 84.
People say that Dieynaba, Arame and Yacine take after me. They are bound by their friendship and willingness to help, as well as by a multitude of similarities; they form a block, with the same defensive or distrustful reactions, before my other children; they swop dresses, trousers, tops, being nearly the same size. I have never had to intervene in their conflicts. The trio has a reputation for hard work at school.
So Long a Letter