A Tale of Two Cities

Who tells Jerry what Solomon’s two-syllable last name was? What does Sydney ask? (From Book 3 Chapters 6-10)

Who tells Jerry what Solomon’s two-syllable last name was? What does Sydney ask?

(From Book 3 Chapters 6-10)

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Miss Pross sees a man in the shop and screams, because she recognizes him as her brother, Solomon Pross, who is now an officer of the French Republic. Jerry Cruncher is equally shocked because he recognizes the man as John Barsad, the English spy.

As for Carton;

"Come, come, Mr. Barsad!" exclaimed Sydney. "Don't be ungrateful. But for my great respect for your sister, I might not have led up so pleasantly to a little proposal that I wish to make for our mutual satisfaction. Do you go with me to the Bank?"


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