A Tale of Two Cities

Why is Darnay able to calm himself about his impending death?


Darnay comforts himself with the thought that he has done nothing dishonorable.


Darnay knows that Carton plans to intervene on his behalf.


Darnay says he is going to a "far, far better rest."


Darnay has spoken to Dr. Manette, who promises to care for Lucie and their daughter.

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A. Darnay comforts himself with the thought that he has done nothing dishonorable.

'But, all this was at first. Before long, the consideration that there was no disgrace in the fate he must meet, and that numbers went the same road wrongfully, and trod it firmly every day, sprang up to stimulate him. Next followed the thought that much of the future peace of mind enjoyable by the dear ones, depended on his quiet fortitude."


Tale of Two Cities