The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

how does junior deal with his poverty? how does this reflect his character?

use textual evidnce.

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Junior deals with poverty through his humor and wit. Junior also has a keen insight into his realities that helps him deal with being so poor,

Okay, so now you know that I'm a cartoonist. And I think I'm pretty good at it, too. But no matter how good I am, my cartoons will never take the place of food or money. I wish I could draw a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or a fist full of twenty dollar bills, and perform some magic trick and make it real. But I can't do that. Nobody can do that, not even the hungriest magician in the world. I wish I were magical, but I am really just a poor-ass reservation kid living with his poor-ass family on the poor-ass Spokane Indian 2