The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Superstition, or belief in magic and the supernatural, plays an important part in our lives of the people who live in St.Petersburg. Examine the text to make list of some of the superstitions that characters mention.Discuss reason why people on th

Superstition, or belief in magic and the supernatural, plays an important

part in our lives of the people who live in St.Petersburg. Examine the text

to make list of some of the superstitions that characters mention.Discuss

reason why people on the frontier in the 1840s would have been


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"Say—what is dead cats good for, Huck?"

"Good for? Cure warts with."


"If you buried a marble with certain necessary incantations, and left it alone a fortnight, and then opened the place with the incantation he had just used, you would find that all the marbles you had ever lost had gathered themselves together there, meantime, no matter how widely they had been separated."

Howling dogs foreshadow death. 

"Oh, geeminy, it's him!" exclaimed both boys, in a breath.

"Say, Tom—they say a stray dog come howling around Johnny Miller's house, 'bout midnight, as much as two weeks ago; and a whippoorwill come in and lit on the banisters and sung, the very same evening; and there ain't anybody dead there yet."

"Well, I know that. And suppose there ain't. Didn't Gracie Miller fall in the kitchen fire and burn herself terrible the very next Saturday?"

"Yes, but she ain't dead. And what's more, she's getting better, too."

"All right, you wait and see. She's a goner, just as dead sure as Muff Potter's a goner. That's what the niggers say, and they know all about these kind of things, Huck."


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer