The Book Thief

what are some thought provoking questions you got when reading the book thief?


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There are many that you can ask. I'll give you a few.

What are the ironies of Death narrating the novel?

What exactly is the personality of Death? Is he personified as someone specific? Is he objective about what he sees?

Were the Nazis evil or were they simply mislead people doing bad things?

Explain what Liesel discovers that can never be destroyed?

Hopefully these help a little!

thank youuu ! can you tell me what deaths personality was, and is he personified as someone specific?? thanks for your help!!!!

thank youuu ! can you tell me what deaths personality was, and is he personified as someone specific?? thanks for your help!!!!

Death personifies humanity. Check out my last submission I just posted, it should help!

When reading this book I really wanted to know if Max and liesel kept in touch. In the prologue they reunited and my professor was convinced that they got married but I really would like to know if Max and liesel got married and if not max then who.

The source for this excerpt is listed below;

"Other readers wonder if Max is the man Liesel marries and starts a family with. We think the novel does leave open this possibility. Although the age difference (about ten years) makes this scenario potentially problematic, it's easy to see Max and Liesel becoming a couple in the future. It certainly seems like they can't live without each other, but whether this turns to romantic love, we can only wonder."
