The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind


1. (Close Reading 7) The author says that the windmill became a kind of roadside attraction.” What does he mean by this?

2. (Close Reading 8) What new emotion can be attributed to the author at the end of the story? How do you know?

3. Define “Figurative Language” Describe the 3 kinds of figurative language used in this selection. (page 64 Literary Companion)

4. Underline the example of figurative language in each sentence. Label each.
a. “I walked around the windmill, staring at it from every possible angle, as if it were a strange beast.” __________

b. “To attach the bicycle frame, I sat the rotor and blades atop four bricks, like putting a car up on blocks, so I would have room to work underneath.”______________

c. “Using the branches we’d cut, we began nailing reinforcements lengthwise like rungs of a ladder . . .” __________________

d. “By sundown, the tower was built. It stood sixteen feet high and was steady, but from a short distance away, it appeared more like a wobbly giraffe . . .” __________

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1) The windmill, and the electricity it creates, as believed to have been an impossible task. William's windmill garners a lot of attention and visitors, who've never seen anything like it.

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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind