The Color of Water
The Color of water Questions
1-What happened with Helen, James' Older sister at the end of Chapter Eight, Brothers and sisters?
2-What is ironic about what happened to Helen at the end of Chapter Eight?
3-True or False : Rachel was taunted with racial slurs as a child.
4-True or False : James was taunted with racial slurs as a child.
5-Why was James confused by the term tragic mulatto?
6-Who was peter? What "good" thing(s) does he do for Rachel?
7-In Chapter Twelve, Daddy, Mcbride says his step-father, Hunter Jordan, Sr., ''....fled Virginia around 1927 or so, with Jim crow hot on his tail, so to speak.'' Explain the reference to Jim Crow.
8-what did Rachel's Aunt Betts help her with when she came to New York in the summer of 1936?
9-McBride describes Chicken Man as one of the chief philosophers of the corner and writes very positively about his relationship with Chicken Man. Describe how Chicken Man helped young James McBride.
10-who was Mr. Charlie and how did the men on the corner feel about him?